Walking the Camino Day 2
Today Heather lets us know the true delights of coffee and croissants with a soggy bra while walking day 2 of her Camino.
Hi everyone,
I´m sure I won´t be writing every day but while there´s an Internet….
I went to Pilgrim´s mass last night. No, I´m not anything religion-wise but all the pilgrims went to the front and received a blessing in every language going for their journey. And there was a statue of St Jacques/ St james/ Santiago so it all felt a bit humbling and beautiful. Cherryll, the stained glass windows were unbelievable.
Well I slept; mostly! I did have earplugs and for those of you reeling in horror at the thoughts of 100 people sleeping in one room, not all the beds were occupied. So that´s ok. There was a thunderstorm and lights on. I realised what the Camino sites meant by “… beware of people getting up in the early hours and rustling plastic bags”. Myrna knows this wonderful word “La Madrugada” (roughly, the early hours). Yeah, not sure I want to know about getting up during La Madrugada. Anyway, suddenly there were lights at six o´clock, roughly translatable into any language as “Get up now and go!”
I was on the road by 7.15. Found the different friends I´d made already in the bar at the next place, so had croissants and coffe con leche at 7.30. This is very civilised! I think life is one long holiday! All the manicness of the last few years disappears when you walk 3 and a half km and then have coffee and croissants. Next bar at about 10 am ( I did miss a few out). I still think I did about 27 km today.
This refuge much smaller and lovely and I hope, no lights at 6.00 am.
In the interests of travelling light, I only took one bra! If you don´t want to know this, (hey, this is an email to a huge group, isn´t it) turn off but I washed my clothes last night and it was dull weather today so nothing had dried. I think at the age of 20 you can go bra-less but I think at my matronly age….. Anyway I have the vocabulary to buy one in Pamplona tomorrow in Spanish. I believe the words for “without wires” is without armour (sin armadura). So now you know what you´re wearing, ladies!
And I learnt the salutory lesson that dirty clothes are better than wet ones!
Did anyone manage to contact those on the list whom Mailer Demon didn´t like?
Cherryll, talking French again is like a blast from the past – I´ve had more of a French day today – when you retire, come and do this walk with me!
Blister count – still the half. Walked in sandals today, which was fine.
Gosh, life is so hard when you have to keep organising your backpack and stopping to drink coffee, catch up with friends on the way, wash a few clothes out……..
Take care to everyone and write to me!
Hope you´re on the Google maps – so far I´ve walked from St Jean Pied de Port to Roncesvalles (Roncevaux in French) and Roncesvalles to Larrasoana. Pamplona tomorrow and sorry Brent, the bull running is finished but I´m sure you´d have wanted a go, sounds like the kind of risky thing you might do….
Georgina, you just live in the most beautiful part of the world – The Basque Country is a gem!
Abrazos fuertes xxxx
Pamplona eh? And I wonder what she’ll be up to tomorrow. Drop in and keep updated with Heather’s travels. I think I’ve found the walking correspondent for my evil blogging empire … hee heee heee!